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  • Acquire: Click to only start acquiring the raw projection images and meta data. You can use this feature to check whether the data streaming is working properly and the projection image is expected.
  • Process: Click to start acquiring and processing data.
  • Stop: Click to stop acquiring and processing data.


  • Mode
    • Static: The intention is to use it for static experiments (TBD). Currently, the only difference between the Static and Dynamics modes is that Static mode does not enable double buffering on GPU for sinogram.
    • Dynamic: Reconstruction takes place only after all the projections in a scan have arrived.
    • Continuous: Reconstruction takes place continuously at a given interval.
  • Update interval: Reconstruction in the Continuous mode will take place each time after receiving the specified number of projections.


  • Fix camera: Check to disable rotating and zooming the 3D model with mouse.


  • Column Count: Number of columns of a projection.
  • Row Count: Number of rows of a projection.
  • Angle Count: Number of projections per scan.
  • 180 degree / 360 degree: Angle range per scan.
  • Slice Size: Size of the reconstructed slice. Default to Column Count.
  • Volume Size: Size of the reconstructed volume. Default to 128 (for preview).
  • X range: X range of the reconstruction.
  • Y range: Y range of the reconstruction.
  • Z range: Z range of the reconstruction.


  • Downsample
    • Col: Down-sampling factor of columns of the raw projection image.
    • Row: Down-sampling factor of rows of the raw projection image.
  • Minus Log: Uncheck if the data is already linearized.
  • Offset: Offset of the rotation center.
  • Ramp filter: Select the ramp filter applied before FBP reconstruction.


  • Display: Uncheck to hide the projection.
    • Projection ID: The requested projection ID (within a scan). If the ID of the displayed projection is different from the requested one. The displayed one will also be shown.
  • Colormap: Colormap for displaying the projection.
  • Auto Levels: Check to enable automatically setting color levels of the displayed objects.
    • Min: Minimum colormap value.
    • Max: Maximum colormap value.
  • Keep Aspect Ratio: Uncheck to not keep the aspect ratio of the image. It can be used to improve the visualization if images which have large aspect ratios.

SLICE 1/2/3

  • Show: Check to display the 2D high-resolution slice.
  • Disable: Check to hide the slice.
  • Offset: Translation of the slice. You can also drag a slice object with mouse.

  • Reset all slices: Click to reset the translations and orientations of all the slices.

  • Colormap: Colormap for rendering the slices.

  • Auto Levels: Check to enable automatically setting color levels of the displayed objects.
    • Min: Minimum colormap value.
    • Max: Maximum colormap value.


  • Preview: Check to use the 3D reconstructed volume as preview.
  • Show: Check to display the 3D reconstructed volume.
  • Disable: Check to disable the reconstruction of the 3D volume. As a result, there will be no preview when dragging a slice.

  • Quality: Volume rendering quality. 1 is the worst and 5 is the best.

  • Voxel: Check to render the volume as voxels.

    • Volume Shadow: Check to enable volumetric lighting effect.
    • Threshold: Voxels with intensities smaller than the threshold will not be rendered.
    • View front: Relative position of the front plane of the volume along the view direction.
    • Colormap: Colormap for rendering the volume (shared with the slices).
    • Auto Levels: Check to enable automatically setting color levels of the displayed objects (shared with the slices).
      • Min: Minimum colormap value (shared with the slices).
      • Max: Maximum colormap value (shared with the slices).
    • Alphamap:
      • Ctrl + Left mouse button: Add a new point.
      • d: Delete a point while hovering it (the point will be highlighted).
      • Left mouse button: Press to drag a point vertically. It is not allowed to drag the first point.
  • ISO Surface: Check to render the volume as meshes. It is still an experimental feature.

    • ISO Value: ISO value for finding ISO surfaces.
    • Show Mesh: Render the ISO surfaces as meshes instead of surfaces.
    • Shininess: Shininess of the material.
    • Ambient: Ambient property of the material.
    • Diffuse: Diffuse property of the material.
    • Specular: Specular property of the material.


  • Show: Check to display the light source object.
  • Position: Position of the point light source.
  • Color: Color of lighting.
  • Ambient: Ambient component of lighting.
  • Diffuse: Diffuse component of lighting.
  • Specular: Specular component of lighting.


  • Reconstructed slices

    • Select a slice on mouse hover (the selected slice will be highlighted).
    • Move the selected slice along its normal direction by dragging the left mouse button.
  • Camera

    • Rotate the model along an axis which is perpendicular to the moving direction by dragging the middle mouse button or dragging the left mouse button while holding the left Alt.
    • Zoom in/out of the model by scrolling the mouse.
    • w/s: Rotate around the x-axis.
    • a/d: Rotate around the y-axis.
    • space: Reset to perspective view.